MHE Crypto Music Group. Music NFT company, and project.
This is a #NFT a NFT is a non fungible digital asset, same as a email almost. I’m putting all music and videos into NFT format. Then now all my work and content can be controlled by me and now I also control my royalties. The best part, now who ever buys into my #musicnft or NFT from my collection. You now become an investor for life or however long you hold the NFT and also all buyers and holders get 10% royalties from all purchases. If looking to take your music career or just your content to a whole new market and audience.
IG: @mhemedia
#blockchain #music #nft #atl #marketing #independantartist #mhecrypto #mildhighent #llc #viral #explore #nft #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #digitalart #digitalmusic #nftmusiccompany #likemindedppl